


Budget helps you track your spending and keep to a budget. You can easily see your total income and your total expenses for a period, plus which expenses you are spending the most on and which expenses you are going over budget on.

Tap on a category total to quickly add a transaction.

- Simple transaction and budget entry
- Share transactions between iPhones
- Weekly, bi-weekly, monthly, twice a month budgeting
- Budget rollover & budget transfers
- Budget for different projects
- Recurring Expenses/Incomes
- CSV Data Export
- Data Backup and Restore
- Password Protection
- Expenses vs budget graphing
- Highlighting of over budget expenses
- Reminders for overdue expenses
- Yearly expense comparison
- Category sorting and customisation
- Currency Symbol read from Regional Format





  • 神アプリ認定!
  • うーん…。


  • 4.0
  • hytfdrt 2014年04月22日

外国のファイナンスアプリは使い辛いイメージがありましたが、これは良い。 私にはファイナンスアプリは、専門的な会計の言葉がなく敷居が低いこと、入力が簡単なこと、グラフなどの見た目が分かりやすいことが条件です。 でも、簡単だと、ざっくり残高管理しか出来なかったりするが、これは安いのにほぼフルスペックでしかもわかりやすい! ファイナンスのランキング上位のアプリも使いましたが、今のところこれが一番しっくり来る。 締め日設定にも対応しています。

Almost Perfect for my needs

Almost Perfect for my needs

  • 4.0
  • abeinjapan 2014年04月22日

This app makes it easy to record money going in and out, set and monitor budgets, and can also backup and export data. I use this app for temporary recording of business transactions for my English School. The only thing lacking (which takes it from 5 to 4 stars) is SUBCATEGORIES. Having subcategories helps organising, such as in ACCOUNTr, but this doesn't. Of course, you can use the description function, but I like the idea of subcategories. It also only provides for one account and has no ability to record HOW payments are made. But it is more than enough for me to make notes on my financial transactions.

Good for micro-budgeting

Good for micro-budgeting

  • 5.0
  • FunkyBrewster 2014年04月22日

First, this works perfectly with Yen or Dollars (no decmial points for Yen) and it lets you set the start day for each monthly cycle, so I'm not sure what those comments are about. Maybe you need change your system region settings? This program is great for micro-budgeting; I.E. you budget given amounts of money for given purposes and keep track of it all along the way. I like the display style with colored bars under each category, and the ability to roll over budgets to the next cycle or not. This app has more options for budgeting than any other I've tried. What this does NOT do as well is manage your overall cash/savings flow because it only supports one account. I've found it's better to use a seperate app for that, and use this app for fine tuning how much money you spend on different categories each month. Very useful!



  • 4.0
  • Gokunama 2014年04月22日

Easy to use, not too complicated, would be perfect if it had currency options (yen for me) and a balance. Edit: read on the site that the currency symbol could be changed. Changed that, the yen symbol is there, but it's still got reads like we have cents. $1200.00 is now just ¥1200.00.

Nice but need a bit more, multi currency

Nice but need a bit more, multi currency

  • 4.0
  • AG4Review 2014年04月22日

I tried a few similair application, this my favorite. But, need support of different currency. E.g Euro, Yen.,. If also exchange rates are implemented , it would be awesome .

Yen Currency

Yen Currency

  • 4.0
  • Utot nako baho 2014年04月22日

I love the program and this is what I have been looking for. But I wish there is a yen currency option or other currency in option mode.



  • 4.0
  • Magicalking 2014年04月22日

その名の通り、予算を決めて収支をコントロール出来るので便利です。 いつの間にか日本語が使えるようになっていました。 簡単な金銭管理には使いやすいと思います。



  • 4.0
  • StylishCat 2014年04月22日

iPhoneでお金を管理できる家計簿的なソフトを探していたので購入してみました。 シンプルな操作性で使いやすいです。 ものぐさな性格だったので、家計簿をつけてもすぐめんどくさくなる、、、でもiPhoneだと常に持ってるので、どこでも書き込めて本当に便利です。 難点は、日本語に対応してないことです。