【iPhone神アプリ】Emerald Chronometerの評価・評判、口コミ
NOTE: This app (Emerald Chronometer) is optimized for the iPhone and iPod touch. Please also see Emerald Chronometer HD, a separate product optimized for the iPad.
Astronomy features:
- Highly accurate data from 4000 BCE to 2800 CE
- Times of rise and set for the Sun, the Moon, and the 5 classical planets
- The correct shape and orientation of the Moon in all phases but still using a mechanical display
- Relative positions of the Sun, Moon, 6 planets and the constellations of the zodiac
- "Compass functions" show the elevation and azimuth of the Sun, the Moon, and the 5 planets
- The Equation of Time, solar time and sidereal time
- Eclipse predictor (lunar node indicators and separation indicator)
- User settable geographic location and timezone using an 80,000 city database
- A unique face showing the rise and set times of all 5 classical planets plus the Sun and the Moon at once
Clock features:
- Day/date/month/year indicators, using mechanical wheels
- Local and UTC time
- Chronograph (stopwatch) with split timer, 1/10 sec accuracy
- Alarm clock and interval timer; notifications are delivered in iOS 4 if the app is not running**
- World-time watch with 24-city ring on one side and 4 subdials on the other
- Calendar watch with rotating wheels showing a full month at a time
- Most watches with 1/5 sec or 1/10 sec precision
- Synchronized with standard atomic clocks via NTP
There are 16 watches in all, with 27 total watch faces (including front and back sides).
A setting is available to allow the display to stay on only when plugged in.
Play with the watches by tapping on the crown and moving the hands, or press and hold on a date window to zoom through time to see the effect on the heavens. Then just use them to show you when it's time for a break.
A complete description of each application feature can be found in the built-in Help screens and on the Emerald Sequoia LLC Web Site, which also includes a demo movie. A developer's blog may also be found at http://emeraldsequoia.com/esblog/ .
If you are having any trouble with the application whatsoever, please see our FAQ on the support page listed below and then contact us through that page if your problem is not resolved. We take pride in responding promptly to all support email requests.
**NTP accuracy is not guaranteed for alarm delivery if the app is not running. Also, on OS's older than iOS 4, no third-party app may signal the user if the app is not running. NTP accuracy *is* maintained when the app is running with the device locked on all OS's. (NTP requires Internet access. Like all apps Emerald Chronometer can not change the device's internal clock.)
Emerald Chronometerのレビューや評価・評判、口コミまとめ
- 神アプリ認定!
- うーん…。
- 5.0
- bartok512 2015年06月23日
- 5.0
- yamplus 2015年06月23日
3.3 で Retina Display 対応でより高精細な時計になりました。常に表示させておきたいアプリです。
- 5.0
- toshi_h 2015年06月23日
- 5.0
- dang924 2015年06月23日
星座とか月齢とかいろいろな情報がわかって面白い。 ナイトモードも綺麗です。 アラーム機能やストップウォッチみたいなのもあっていじってるだけで楽しいです
![Emerald Chronometer](/img/icon_image_user4.png)
Emerald Chronometer
- 5.0
- urushi 2015年06月23日
凄い!この一言。入れ替わる幾種類かのデザインも全て見事(一番のお気に入りは,やはりMauna Kea)、このような時計が現実に手に入るものなら是非購入したい衝動に駆られる絶品のアプリ。唯、自分の操作法が悪いのか、設定が巧くできていないのか、時々フリーズ?します。