Kalkulilo (scientific calculator)

Kalkulilo (scientific calculator)

【iPhone神アプリ】Kalkulilo (scientific calculator)の評価・評判、口コミ

Kalkulilo is a comfortable calculator program and offers several different modes.

- The scientific mode offers all the usual functions and operations like the basic arithmetical operations, power, logarithm, roots, trigonometry etc.

- The bit/integer mode offers logical operations (AND, OR, XOR, >>, etc.) on bit level. All values can be displayed as binary, octal, decimal or hexadecimal numbers. Calculations can be done in 8, 16 32 or 64 bits.

- In the statistics mode you can create a sample by adding several values and then calculate mean, median, quantil values, variance, standard deviation, range etc.

- Trigonometry mode provides lots of trigonometric functions

- The base/radix mode allows you to do calculations with numbers of base 2 to base 36

- The Time mode lets you directly work with time values (hours, minutes seconds)

- A simple calculator is also included, with just the basic operators and large buttons.

Colorized keys will help to distinguish between the different categories of the functions and operations. The user interface (design, colors) can be customized.

Note: This app uses iAds to generate revenue to cover the costs for developement and support, and to be able to provide the App for free. But you can get rid of the iAds permanently for a small fee via In-App purchase.



Kalkulilo (scientific calculator)のレビューや評価・評判、口コミまとめ


  • 神アプリ認定!
  • うーん…。

レビュー募集中!!Kalkulilo (scientific calculator)を使って分かったことを書いてみよう!