iBartender Drink & Cocktail Recipes

iBartender Drink & Cocktail Recipes

【iPhone神アプリ】iBartender Drink & Cocktail Recipesの評価・評判、口コミ

Hundreds of cocktail recipes in your pocket for less than a cup of coffee.


- Recipes for many of the most popular mixed drinks, cocktails and shots.

- 'Discover' shows you the drinks you can make with what you have on hand.

- 'Shopping List' uses the ingredients you have on hand and your favorite drinks to create a shopping list of the ingredients you are missing (found under "My Drinks").

- Add your own drink recipes.

- Add your own ingredients (found under Home -> Settings).

- Rate drinks and view the top rated & most popular drinks as determined by other iBartender users.

- Search by drink name or ingredient(s).

- Images for one third of the drinks with more added each update.

- View recipes in US standard or metric units.

- Email drink recipes.

- Choose a random drink when browsing by shaking your iOS device.

- Simple, easy to use interface.

- Free future upgrades with more drinks and more features.

Please drink responsibly.



iBartender Drink & Cocktail Recipesのレビューや評価・評判、口コミまとめ


  • 神アプリ認定!
  • うーん…。

レビュー募集中!!iBartender Drink & Cocktail Recipesを使って分かったことを書いてみよう!