Air Navigation Pro

Air Navigation Pro

【iPhone神アプリ】Air Navigation Proの評価・評判、口コミ

Air Navigation is flight planning and real time navigation application for pilots.

Air Navigation uses the internal (or external) GPS module and gyroscopes to compute the position, speed and attitude.

Planning a route can be done in seconds.

Un large number of add-on maps and data is available for download from within the application. The complete list of free and commercial maps and other products are available on our website in the add ons section.

The application supports the following type of data:

- Aeronautical waypoints (more than 160000)
- Airspaces (more than 50 countries)
- Free maps (open source or from the public domain)
- ICAO navigation charts and Sectional charts
- ATC Flight Plans
- Approach charts (check list of countries available)
- Free Digital Elevation Model
- Aerial photos and commercial digital elevation model for the synthetic vision and terrain awareness features
- Notams (requires a subscription)
- Metars/Tafs

Air Navigation allows local flight recording or online flight tracking from your personal user account (free on our website)



- 2D moving map (follows GPS location and track orientation) with map, waypoints and airspaces on overlay. Zoom, pan with touch gestures
- Display of navigation waypoints (interactive)
- Display of airspaces (interactive)
- Display of navigation charts
- Display of approach charts
- Display of planned route
- Display of map widgets (position in 2,5,10 minutes, bearing, extended runway, notams, etc)
- Display of terrain elevation profile and airspaces in front of the airplane (with free DEM)
- Terrain Awareness in 2D and 3D (with commercial DEM)
- 3D Synthetic vision with realistic view of the terrain. Support for internal gyros or external AHRS boxes. Displays speed, altitude, attitude, course. Support for external modules with static and dynamic pressure sensors.
- Live flight tracking, requires data connection and a free account on our website
- Multilegs Route editor with wind correction, speed, distance, headings and fuel computation.
- Direct to
- Weight and Balance
- Logbook, automatically record block and flight time.
- Instruments, HSI,VOR, ADF, Compas, Altimeter, groundspeed
- Custom point editor
- Support for external modules such as: Levil, Flytec, Flynet2, etc
- Support for connecting to X-Plane and Flight Simulator X (free plugin available on our website)
- Support for synchronizing routes from Air Navigation for OS X


An iPhone/iPod with a GPS is required to use realtime navigation modules. Internal GPS is disabled when the iPhone's "Airplane mode" is active. Works with external GPS kit for iPod touch and iPhone.

The accuracy of the navigation instruments is better when the iPhone has a clear view of the sky (near the front cockpit for ex.). It may take 1 to 3 minutes to acquire a good GPS signal..

Please note that this software is not intended to replace a certified navigation device. You should always use official aeronautical documentation when preparing and performing a flight. You should always use certified navigation devices when performing a flight.

Continued use of GPS running in the background can dramatically decrease battery life.



Air Navigation Proのレビューや評価・評判、口コミまとめ


  • 神アプリ認定!
  • うーん…。
good for us

good for us

  • 5.0
  • hiro135 2014年04月22日

It's very good for pv pilot safty navigation. on aircraft instrument very old. We don't no so good thing in APP STORE now i'm fling PA46marib G-1000 air craft it's same as airnavigation PRO data we know can't use true navgation but i want to tell everybady this is good safty in yoursky safty advice . one request japan controllzoon pojitivi controll area restriczoon plus futer.

Correction request

Correction request

  • 4.0
  • R44nini 2014年04月22日

I think this app is very helpful tool for me, but I'd like to correct one thing. JP-0002 is not Tokyo heliport. This is Urayasu heliport of PV. Correct position is N35°38'10" ,E139°50'22". I'm very happy if you correct this position information. Thank you!



  • 4.0
  • RC.Pro 2014年04月22日




  • 5.0
  • minasaki 2014年04月22日

HSI、ADF,CDI、ALT、すべり計を模擬したアプリです。 GPSから自分の位置情報を得て、データベースにあるウェイポイントの中から任意のウェイポイントを選択すると、HSIのベアリングポインターやADFが指示しますし、HSIのコースインジケーターもフリックしてベアリングを設定すると、ちゃんとデビエーションバーが指示します。 ウェイポイントは、起動時に世界中のものをロードしますが、必要な国だけをアクティブの設定にすると、起動が高速になります。 更に、プロ版ではマップモードに地上のマップが表示されるようになっています(通常版ではウェイポイントしか表示されていません)。任意の国のマップをWi-Fiでダウンロードします(日本は4つに分けられていて全部で700MBもあります)。そしてこれも通常版と違い、フライトプラン設定が出来るので、こことここを経由してここにといったナビゲーション設定が可能です(通常版では1レグしか設定できません)。 ネットワークにつながっていなくてもGPSによって作動するので問題ありませんが、機内モードにするとGPSもアウトになるので、オフフラッグが出て機能しませんので旅客機内での使用は出来ません。 あくまで実証試験によって機内計器に悪影響を与えないことが保証された機体か使用することが許されている(専用の機材やデッキがある)機体で使って下さい。 総じて凄いアプリです。勿論GPSなので誤差があり、これだけで航法することは許されませんが、マップモードもあるので、非常に参考になるアプリです。