Free Wi-Fi

Free Wi-Fi

【iPhone神アプリ】Free Wi-Fiの評価・評判、口コミ

Now serving over 2,500,000 users!

Why pay for Wi-Fi when there might be a free Wi-Fi spot near you? The Free Wi-Fi locator helps you find free Wi-Fi hotspots where ever you are. With a simple tap of the icon you can see locations near you. Click on a location and receive the exact driving directions.

It's as easy as that. Just tap, get online and save!

NOTE: We've done our best to find every free Wi-Fi location in the United States (we've got over 14,000 Wi-Fi locations and counting...) but we're certain that we've missed some. So if you'd like to help make this an even better app, please click on the information button on the main page and send us an email with the location(s) you know of that we missed. We'll do our best to quickly verify and add them to our database.

NOTE: This application is valid for US users only. We will be adding locations for other countries in future versions. As well, we've got some cool features that we will be adding shortly.

From the developers that created the first application that pays you back. KidsEatFree and the Museum Locator.



Free Wi-Fiのレビューや評価・評判、口コミまとめ


  • 神アプリ認定!
  • うーん…。

レビュー募集中!!Free Wi-Fiを使って分かったことを書いてみよう!