iScore Baseball / Softball Scorekeeper

iScore Baseball / Softball Scorekeeper

【iPhone神アプリ】iScore Baseball / Softball Scorekeeperの評価・評判、口コミ

iScore Baseball / Softball Scorekeeper is the easiest and most intuitive way to track a baseball or softball game. With the #1 Baseball Scoring app for the iPhone and iPod touch, you can score youth baseball/softball, high school games, college games, and even professional games just like the pros.

NOTE: This version is intended for iPhone / iPod Touch ONLY. For those who have iPads or may purchase an iPad in the future, consider purchasing the iScore Universal app

"This is the best baseball scoring application in terms of ease of use and data output." - Boston Herald

" investment you can make to actively take part in our national past-time." -

"iScore Baseball Scorekeeper is about as close to perfection as we’ve seen in a digital scorecard" - appolicious

The first in a series of sports tracking software, iScore Baseball allows coaches, parents, and fans to keep a detailed record of the progress of the game. iScore has everything you need to score, track and review a game and your stats.


• Complete Statistics - 500+ Statistics tracked for every player

• Team Manager section -- Manage teams, team rosters and lineup at game time.

• Quick Roster -- Generate teams with any number of players.

• Scorebook Output -- Record even the most complex plays. Every stolen base, pick-off and passed ball is tracked.

• Pitch Tracker -- Tracks every pitch location, type (including Softball pitches!) and speed and includes a speckle chart, allowing you to review pitch history.

• Batting Spray Chart -- Track hit locations as well as strength and type giving you an edge over the competition

• Built in iScoreCast and TwitterCast -- Allows friends and family who are unable to attend the game to "watch" in real time from anywhere in the world. The entire game can even be replayed at a later date. (No Video)

• Complete Scorebook Output -- Beautiful traditional scorebook is automatically generated, even for people that don't know how to keep a scorebook. Invaluable for leagues that require it.

• Intuitive Interview Scorekeeping -- No need to learn cryptic ways of tracking a game. Even the most complex plays are scored with ease. Full base runner control means that every stolen base, pick-off and passed ball is tracked.

• Multilevel Undo/Redo -- Return to any point in the game, from the first play of the game to the last.

• Data Sharing -- Transfer games / teams between devices to save time entering data or to share statistics with others on your team or in your league

All stats and scorebook can be emailed in EXCEL, CSV, and HTML formats. Coaches will never again have to spend hours trying to extract data from paper records just to see how their players performed.


-Courtesy Runners
-DP/Flex support
-Support for 10 fielders
-International Tie Breaker (any configuration)
-Swinging vs Called strike tracking
-Intentional Ball tracking
-Individual Player Cards both in-game and out
-League support (players, teams and games can belong to any number of user defined leagues)
-Pitcher Win, Lose, Save tracking
-Pitch by Pitch game review
-Skip At Bats (assign out or not)
-End Inning at any time
-End Game at any time
-Assign Error at any time to any defensive player (e.g. dropped foul ball for ERA calculations)
-Swap Teams
-No limit to the number of players or batters in a lineup
-ERG calculation (similar to ERA but based on the number of scheduled innings in the game)
-Export and Import to protect your data from device failure
-Player/Team merging - allows you to combine players or teams if you have accidentally entered them twice in different games
-and so much more...

We respond very quickly to direct emails at as well as to our forums at

Thank you to the iScore community for your continued support.

Be sure to watch our tutorials at:



iScore Baseball / Softball Scorekeeperのレビューや評価・評判、口コミまとめ


  • 神アプリ認定!
  • うーん…。


  • 5.0
  • kamabon 2014年04月22日

普段の記録はiPadでしているので、こちらは主にデータの携帯、記録の回顧などに使用しています。 また、手元にiPadが無い場合の記録用にも使います。 記録方式が全く一緒なので(当然ですが)、違和感無く使用出来ます。 記録は日本式とは違いますが、そこは(日本式でも早稲田式と慶応式で違いがあるので)慣れるしかありません。 ただ、慣れたら他のスコアと比べても非常に細かく、かつ簡単に入力出来、スコアカードへも見易く変換されます。 最終的にスコアは見返すものなので、スコアカードが見易いのも良いですね。 兼用アプリだともっと良かったんですが、双方買っても十分に満足しています。

うーん・・・訂正 意外といい

うーん・・・訂正 意外といい

  • 5.0
  • acbdmtt 2014年04月22日

日本人には使いにくい というのが率直な感想。 追記 webのマニュアル(英語)を頑張って読めば、意外と使えるソフトでした。ただ、スコアブックの選手名が日本語だと文字化けします。 再追記 概ね使い方をマスターしました。 アプリを使うにつれて、優れたアプリだということがわかりました。



  • 4.0
  • Panthukuu 2014年04月22日

ポテンシャルはプロ級だと思います。 球種やコースまで記録できるばかりか、詳し〜い打球方向も入力出来るだけでも一般的なスコアシートを上回ります。 ただ自分としては、 「ランナー有りの状態で、明らかにゴロアウトのバッティングをしたら、ランナー刺されてバッター生き残るケース」 の入力が、イマイチよく分からなかったです。 使えるまで入力の練習がそれなりに必要だと思います。 ダウンロードしてイキナリ本番の試合にのぞむのは無謀です。



  • 4.0
  • ヴィッツ33 2014年04月22日

つかえる! けど日本語対応を是非御願いします。 絶対売れます。 甲子園、ナイター、草野球、大リーグ、ソフトボール。使えます。 日本語対応だけは御願いします。

It's gotten to be the best app 改善後は素晴らしいアプリです!

It's gotten to be the best app 改善後は素晴らしいアプリです!

  • 5.0
  • 草野球 プレーヤー 2014年04月22日

I gave 3 stars when this came out but within 3 weeks, they made considerable improvements. I sent in multiple requests and the support is incredible responsive and man they addressed pretty much all of them. It is too cheap seriously. I would have paid easily 30 bucks for this. 最初は3星でしたが、出てから色々なリクエストをしたところ、すごい早さで改善してくれました。 今では草野球に欠かせないアイテムです。 日本語対応すれば日本の方ももっと使えるのになぁ、、