iVideo Cocktails : Watch it! Shake it! Drink it!

iVideo Cocktails : Watch it! Shake it! Drink it!

【iPhone神アプリ】iVideo Cocktails : Watch it! Shake it! Drink it!の評価・評判、口コミ

“It’s a solid purchase” (148 Apps)

“A handy thing to have in your pocket when you want to drink something different. I'll drink a toast to this clever app.” (The Unofficial Apple Weblog)

“The videos look pretty good, and it is an interesting way of setting yourself apart from the rest of the pack.”(Apple iPhone Apps)

iVideoCocktails is the first ever VIDEO cocktail application for your iPhone or iPod Touch.

Created together with renowned experts from the cocktail world, iVideoCocktails contains recipes and videos to help you recreate the perfect cocktail at home.
Every recipe contains specialist tips and tricks and even the history of the cocktail so you deliver them with skills of a trained barman.

You can select cocktails based on the contents of your bar, or choose from a number of non-alcoholic cocktails which also double up as desserts!

Our list of ingredients for each cocktail can be modified automatically to fit the number of people you are making.

Finally, if you have no idea which one to make, play with the random cocktail generator for true inspiration!

iVideoCocktails : A Barman for your Pocket!

Warning : you will need 3G or Wifi connection to watch the videos.



iVideo Cocktails : Watch it! Shake it! Drink it!のレビューや評価・評判、口コミまとめ


  • 神アプリ認定!
  • うーん…。

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