iBank Mobile

iBank Mobile

【iPhone神アプリ】iBank Mobileの評価・評判、口コミ

iBank Mobile lets you track your day-to-day spending and monitor account balances on the go. It's easy to enter and categorize transactions, track expenses, or view running balances — all from your iPhone or iPod touch.

Desktop users of iBank for Mac can also sync transactions, account information and categories automatically and seamlessly to iBank Mobile. Then update your transactions as you work, shop or travel, and sync new data back to iBank, for perfect personal finance management. Even multiple users of iBank Mobile, such as families or business partners, can sync their on-the-go entries to the same desktop copy of iBank.

iBank Mobile supports iOS 6 and iPhone 5 screen size. For sync with desktop, iBank 4.6 or higher is required.

√ iBank Mobile stand-alone features:
— Quick transaction entry, even without an Internet connection
— Account balance review
— Memorized payee list
— Split transaction support
— Multi-currency support

√ Even more features with iBank for Mac:
— Sync with accounts saved to iBank for Mac
— Sync new transactions, categories and currencies
— Sync over Wi-Fi or custom WebDAV server
— Partners can sync multiple devices to iBank for Mac documents



iBank Mobileのレビューや評価・評判、口コミまとめ


  • 神アプリ認定!
  • うーん…。


  • 4.0
  • さふらんらいす 2014年04月23日

以前からMac版を利用していたので、このiOS版も購入してみました。 出先で使ったお金をすぐその場で入力して、家に帰ったらMacと同期という使い方ができて便利です。 同期もwifi経由でクリック一つでできて簡単です。 ただMac版なしでiOS版単独で使おうとすると最小限以下の機能しかないので、はっきりいって役立たずです。