Harry's Sailor

Harry's Sailor

【iPhone神アプリ】Harry's Sailorの評価・評判、口コミ


Harry's Sailor is a GPS based navigation tool / sailing companion. Like all apps from Harry's GPS Suite it uses an advanced GPS Engine developed and published during the last years on the PalmOS platform. For this Sailor app, the engine was expanded for the specific situation on a ship. One example for this expansion is treatment of speed. GPS is weak delivering exact speed informations at low vessel speeds making it necessary to utilize special algorithms.


This version brings a number of unique features to the iPhone platform. Examples are: visualization and measurement of heeling including a visual alarm when heeling in larger that 20 / 25 degree; display of racing rule #10: when boats are on opposite tacks, a port-tack boat shall keep clear of a starboard-tack boat; full navigation support, course can be defined using polar coordinates, defined waypoints, or using a course given; full integration of Google Maps; while navigation is started, deviation from course, distance to waypoint, and velocity made good (VMG) is displayed continuously; extensive reference on nautic information: signal flags, morse code, buoyages, lights and shapes, wind speed.

This application will be enhanced continuously. Our ambition is to provide you with the best GPS sailing tool available for the iPhone platform.


Sailor requires an iPhone or iPad with GPS (starting iPhone3G), or an iPod with an external GPS mouse.
Use of either iOS 3.1.3, or the latest iOS is recommended.

Please head to Sailor's (LapTimer's) homepage on http://www.gps-laptimer.de to get information on future development, FAQs, and more snapshots.



Harry's Sailorのレビューや評価・評判、口コミまとめ


  • 神アプリ認定!
  • うーん…。
VMG(VMC) を計算してくれる Harry's GPS Sailer

VMG(VMC) を計算してくれる Harry's GPS Sailer

  • 5.0
  • 余丁町散人 2014年04月23日

セーリングのキモはVMGの把握。次善の策としてターゲットスピード表があるけれど、自分の船専用のものを作らなくてはいけないし、いろいろややこしそうだな〜と思っていたら、デンマークから新しいセーリング用の iPhone アプリが発売された。なんとVMG(VMC)を常時 iPhone 上に表示してくれるという。こいつが最大になるように舵を取っておればいいのだ。これ便利そう: quote: iPhone Apps - Harry's GPS Sailer | Apptism: "while navigation is started, deviation from course, distance to waypoint, and velocity made good (VMC) is displayed continuously" : unquote ヨット用の航海計測電子機器にVMGを計算するのがあるが数十万円もする。これを買えばわずか300円。iPhone はすごい! その他、ヒール角度の警告ランプや、ROW (Right of Way) 警告ランプとか、信号旗一覧表なんかがあってご愛敬だが、こういう情報も意外と大切なんだよね。