Vision Board Deluxe

Vision Board Deluxe

【iPhone神アプリ】Vision Board Deluxeの評価・評判、口コミ

Vision Board is your personal, portable collection of your values, goals and dreams.

Are you wondering your life is going?

Do you want it to have more meaning and purpose?

Do you have a clear vision of where you want to be?

Vision Board is your first step to turning your dreams, goals and desires into reality.

From the makers of the popular GRATITUDE JOURNAL.

Make your own Vision Board with images of your ideal life and take a major leap forward in making that life come true. Vision Board is a portable, sacred place where you can define your hopes, dreams and goals.

"It's not a magic trick. It's about you being the person who's motivated to make that stuff show up in your life."


+ Add images that represent your ideal life.
+ Add notes that inspire you.
+ A gallery of inspirational images to choose from.
+ Choose from a variety of note designs.
+ Comes with 7 different boards to get you started.
+ Create separate vision boards for each area of your life.
+ Rearrange your photos and notes.
+ Inspirational quotes display during slide show.
+ Delete images and notes.
+ Select the font you like most.
+ View your board daily for greatest impact.

+ Password protection.
+ Email or twitter images from your board.

"It focuses your thinking on what you want. When you do that, it's like the universe gives you ideas on how to get it."

"People say to me, 'Oh, I don't know about this law of attraction. I don't know if it really works.' I say to them, 'So, what have you done lately to test it?' 'Oh, well, I think about what I want,'" she says. "That's not good enough. You need to take specific action—make a list, do a vision board, start speaking what it is you want."

"Vision board's power comes from the simple fact that it allows people time to focus and do something about their lives."

"My hope is everyone will see the POWER of visualization and start using vision boards to "take action" towards their goals, dreams and desires!"

Learn how to make your own iPhone app at

Thank YOU!



Vision Board Deluxeのレビューや評価・評判、口コミまとめ


  • 神アプリ認定!
  • うーん…。


  • 5.0
  • megapure 2014年04月24日

ビジョンボードと言えば、 ロンダ・バーンさんの「ザ・シークレット」と、望月俊孝さんの幸せな宝地図シリーズが有名です。 願望を目に見えるイメージの集合体として作成し、 毎日その夢に浸りきる時間をもうけることによって、願い事がかなう時間を短くするツールです。 妄想とあなどるなかれ、だれもが共有できるイメージとして作れば、立派な事業計画書にもなります。 似たものも複数ありますが、これが一番親しみやすそうだったので、これにしました。楽しみです。 追加の要望; スライドショー機能ですが、フリックで順番に見れるといいです。         いちいち、右矢印を押していくのは、めんどいですし、         そのときに、写真の一番上と下が隠れてしまうのが残念です。 また、スライドショー機能を使うとき、勝手に格言の引用がされますが、オプション機能で、読まなくてもOK!にして欲しいです。 Please cut off the quotes or add the quotes's on/off switch to this app!!!!!!!!