009 Album

009 Album

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【iPhone神アプリ】009 Albumの評価・評判、口コミ

009既是一名香港插畫師,亦是一名設計師,多來年一直熱愛插畫藝術及設計工作,在過去數年間,一直致力於從事香港插畫藝術的推廣,並於2007年與8位志同道合的朋友組織了一個名為”Y9”的本地插畫組織,期間推出過4本畫集,包括「Drawin9 Life」、「Fanart Vol.1」、「Fanart Vol.2」及「Future Daily」,另外,組織亦於這幾年間接受了多間電台、雜誌及報章的訪問,希望讓更多人認識到插畫藝術,藉以支持及推動本地創意工業的發展。


其實在日常的大部份時候,009也是不停畫畫,即使在不用工作的時候,也喜歡畫畫,而作品會上載至Yahoo! Blog,歡迎到009 Yahoo!Blog參觀其他作品,若您能細心觀看009多年來的作品,或許您會看到009在繪畫上的進步及風格上的轉變。如各位有任何意見及對繪畫有興趣,亦歡迎在網誌上留言發表個人意見及互相交流一下,相信此舉可達到互相學習的效果。

009 is an Hong Kong illustrator and also a designer. He is very enthusiastic about the illustration art and design work. During the past few years, he has been devoting to the promotion of illustration art. In 2007, he organized a local illustration group-Y9 with his friends who also have the same goal. Over these years, Y9 published four illustration albums. They are “Drawin9 Life”, “Fanart Vol.1’, “Fanart Vol.2” & “Future Daily”. Besides, Y9 was invited by the local broadcasting station, magazine and newspaper to attend the interview. They hope that more people can understand what they were doing and know more about the illustration art. Thereby support the development of the creative industry in Hong Kong.

Due to the great enthusiasm about the illustration art, publishing an individual illustration album is one of the dreams of 009. In August, he invested to publish his first illustration album-“Nine”. It gathers all the old and new creations of 009 which he worked for these years. It includes a variety of drawing styles from the earliest stage to the latest stage of his creation. It was on sale via Internet in August, 2009. It gained a good comment and support from the public. 009 is planning to hold an individual art exhibition in the future.

Drawing is one of the habits of 009 in his daily life. Even he is out of work, he loves drawing when he feels free. He always upload his creation to his Yahoo!Blog. He hopes to share what he is thinking at the moment and let people to understand more about him. You are welcome to visit his own creation on the Yahoo!Blog and other links. If you are free to review his creations for these years, you may find his improvement and changing in drawing style during this period. Furthermore, if you have interest, you are welcome to leave a message to share your opinion. He would like to discuss and communicate with anyone who love drawing or art. He always believes that people can learn from each other during the communication.

HYPERLINK "http://hk.myblog.yahoo.com/lifejam-009" http://hk.myblog.yahoo.com/lifejam-009
HYPERLINK "http://zero-zero-nine.deviantart.com/" http://zero-zero-nine.deviantart.com
HYPERLINK "http://www.facebook.com/pages/009/69986841220" http://www.facebook.com/pages/009/69986841220



009 Albumのレビューや評価・評判、口コミまとめ


  • 神アプリ認定!
  • うーん…。

レビュー募集中!!009 Albumを使って分かったことを書いてみよう!