Geocaching Intro

Geocaching Intro

【iPhone神アプリ】Geocaching Introの評価・評判、口コミ

Geocaching is a game that reveals a world beyond the everyday, where the possibility of a new discovery hides under park benches, in the forest, and probably a short walk from where you are right now. The adventure begins by searching for cleverly hidden containers called geocaches. There are millions of geocaches waiting to be found, scattered throughout more than 185 countries around the world—there are probably even some near you right now.

This app guides you through the adventure of finding your first few geocaches. There are tips, hints and instructions for geocaching as well as using the app.

- App picks recommended geocaches for beginners
- In addition to recommended geocaches, the app allows you to see and find nearby geocaches
- Tips and instructions guide you through finding a geocache and what to do when you find it
- “Live Search” continuously updates nearby geocaches as you move
- You can upgrade to Geocaching Premium from within the app to find even more geocaches



Geocaching Introのレビューや評価・評判、口コミまとめ


  • 神アプリ認定!
  • うーん…。


  • 5.0
  • johnn11jp 2014年04月23日

これだけで大満足。 有料版だとこれ以上に何が出来るのかな? 安定してるし十分使えます。 英語だけどジオキャッシングの説明や案内までして貰えて言う事無し。 他のgpsソフト使ってたけどもう要らないですね。