Solar Monitor

Solar Monitor

【iPhone神アプリ】Solar Monitorの評価・評判、口コミ

At a glance you acquire the current solar and geomagnetic activity. High resolution images of the Sun are taking your breath away. The Sun is being displayed in near real-time. Minute-by-minute updates of solar wind speed, density, sunspot number are provided. Diagrams and LASCO animation make Solar Monitor a professional tool, pushing the latest space weather alerts directly to your device.

Solar wind speed is rising to 600 km/sec, then it continues to rise to 700 km/sec. Color changes from yellow to red. Push Alert: X-CLASS-FLARE! Aurora hunters hit the road. Solar Monitor is predicting a strong geomagnetic storm. This leads to spectacular Aurora Borealis lights. Suddenly: ALERT! Kp-Index=7. STRONG STORM! It will be exciting...

Solar Monitor provides its users with an extraordinary experience. Rely on it, as thousands of friends of the Sun do around the world. You will be delighted to become an owner of this new advanced technology!

• Live Alert System - pushing space weather alerts directly to your device
• High resolution - near real-time - SDO/NASA images of the Sun
• Latest space weather reports and messages
• Minute-by-minute updating solar wind speed, density, x-ray flux, kp, IMF, sunspot number...
• Many different diagrams with either bright or dark background
• LASCO C2/C3 animation and much more



Solar Monitorのレビューや評価・評判、口コミまとめ


  • 神アプリ認定!
  • うーん…。


  • 5.0
  • cenzscaug cebtis 2014年04月23日
