England League

England League

  • 0.0
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  • カテゴリ

【iPhone神アプリ】England Leagueの評価・評判、口コミ

The perfect application to keep update all the news of the English League (aka Premier ), with the most outstanding news, all the results of each match, the statistics required to monitor the league. More detailed information of the players, the team and the tournament.

It has a wide choice of news channels to track all the news of the tournament and his favorite team.

Do not waste time looking for the results of match of the day, here you can access all results in a single touch!

Standingd table, completely updated with all the necessary data for calculating the progression of your favorite team.

Top scorers
You can keep track of the main scorers.

How many championships won Chelsea? And Manchester United? Now you can answer these questions quickly, checking the statistics section. You can also quickly check which were the main scorers in previous editions of the tournament.

Information about players and teams
The most complete information on each player of the tournament. In addition also has complete information on each team in the tournament as a shortcut to their next matches, so you can easily keep track of your team.

You can select which is your favorite team and your favorite player to track throughout the application. You can also customize the icons/image on your team to improve their appearance.

With the notification system may be aware of when you start the matches and the results of each match.



England Leagueのレビューや評価・評判、口コミまとめ


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  • うーん…。

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