ClearRecord Lite

ClearRecord Lite

【iPhone神アプリ】ClearRecord Liteの評価・評判、口コミ

ClearRecord – the ultimate voice recording App for your iPhone/iPad/iPod.

ClearRecord brings the unique feature of Ambient Noise Reduction (ANR), which allows user to record conversations in any harsh noisy environments like street, train, classroom or an airplane while still maintaining clear voice. ClearRecord also features the ability to control play-speed without modifying pitch quality. These unique features, combined with the ability to record in background, make ClearRecord a must have App for recording.

ClearRecord is used by more than half a million users globally to achieve noise free voice recording. Our users include academic community, professionals like doctors, lawyers, musicians and journalists, business executives, transcribers, interviewers and many more.

What reviewers are saying
“Listed as one of the top Audio recording App” –
“Real great App” – iTutor
“Listed as one of the 18 life-changing Android Apps” –

What users are saying
“Awesome app :) the noise reduction works great”
“Very useful app. Noise reduction is good. Literally turns the iPhone into a full-fledged voice recorder.”
“Sound quality is fab. It's simple easy to use one of the best out there. Very chuffed.”
“Automatic gain control acts perfectly levelling the loud sounds, even yelling a few inches from the microphone: no clipping, no distortion.”
“Excellent. This was also the only one I could find that had the functionality of being able to continually repeat a track.”
“I used it for the first time today to record an hour long lecture, and it functions so easily and smoothly. I sat in the middle of a very large lecture hall, and still, this app picked up the professor's voice very well. I love the noise reduction too! It really makes everything so crisp and clear!”

ClearRecord Lite supports:
- ANR* to produce noise-free voice recordings in harsh noisy environments
- Auto resume recording when interrupted by a phone call
- Sampling frequency of 16 kHz for voice recordings and 48 kHz for music recordings
- Playback recordings at speeds of 0.75x and 1.25x without modifying pitch
- Share recordings via Dropbox, e-mail and Wi-Fi
- Trick play and volume control
- Simple and intuitive UI
- WAV and AAC format

*ANR is enabled only while playback.

For additional features please upgrade to ClearRecord premium version.

ClearRecord Premium supports:
- ANR can be turned ON during recording enabling you to share recordings with noise reduction
- Supports finer play speeds of 0.5x, 0.75x, 1.25x or 1.5x without modifying pitch quality
- Repeat/Loop mode – Continuous play back of a portion of a track



ClearRecord Liteのレビューや評価・評判、口コミまとめ


  • 神アプリ認定!
  • うーん…。


  • 4.0
  • jpositiv 2014年04月23日

ノイズリダクションが大きな特徴のこのアプリですが、ノイズリダクションが働くのは音声録音として位置づけられている16Kbpsだけという制限あるようです。 音楽録音用としての48KbpsではONを選択できません。 16Kでテレビの音声を4メートルぐらい離れたところから録音してみましたが、しゃべっている最中の声はノイズリダクションを有効にすると聞き取りやすくなります。いっぽう、誰もしゃべっていない間は、ノイズがシャワシャワという音に変換され、これがきになるかどうかが好みの分かれる所かと感じます。

Djvictorio Soundscape Event 2011-2-25

Djvictorio Soundscape Event 2011-2-25

  • 4.0
  • Djvictorio 2014年04月23日

Grand opening of Moonlight Latin American & the birthday of Djvictorio.