【iPhone神アプリ】Find My Kids ~ Footprints™の評価・評判、口コミ
Where are your kids?
Where have they been?
With Footprints, you can track your kids and share locations with family and friends, anytime, privately. It all happens automatically, whether your phone is in your hand or in your pocket. All in a beautifully clear and simple interface.
Now, parents can keep track of their children's whereabouts and see where they have been, couples can know that their loved ones arrived safely at their destination, friends can locate each other, and even managers can keep track of employees in the field.
Footprints tracks and shares locations automatically – in real time, all the time. And it does it privately. It's really different from other apps that simply show the current location or require some kind of manual operation to share locations.
With Footprints, you can set up Geofences, like your kids school, and be notified when these fences are crossed. You can even activate movement sensors that will notify you each time your loved ones are on the move.
✔ Tracks movement throughout the day and logs waypoints without user intervention.
✔ Parental control feature allows for sharing locations at all times, without a disabling option.
✔ Lets you share waypoints by granting specific permissions. For instance, you can share your last 10 waypoints with a friend for two days.
✔ Geofence and movement notifications can alert you when someone moves or crosses a fenced area. Speeding notifications can alert parents when their teenagers go over the speed limit.
✔ Designed to sync seamlessly between your iPhone and iPad.
✔ Runs in the background – without draining your battery – by leveraging Apple's Significant Location Change technology, which monitors location changes as your device “sees” new cellular towers. (Footprints typically logs a waypoint when there is movement of 500 meters to 3 km or a quarter-mile to 2 miles, depending on cellular coverage in the area.) This default setting provides a good balance of timely location updates without draining the battery.
✔ Check-in to Facebook Places and map where your Facebook friends are checked in. Map your Footprints and Facebook friends together, so you can always see where everybody is.
✔ Initial free subscription period makes it easy to get started.
✔ Privacy Policy: Complete privacy is a key feature of Footprints. Your location data is only shared with the people you explicitly grant permission to see your location. Your registration information is never used to contact you, never sold to others, and never used for advertising.
✔ Requirements: iOS 4.3 or later. Footprints must be installed on all devices tracking or sharing locations, and each device must have a valid subscription. Runs natively on all Apple iOS devices from the 3rd generation on (iPhone 5, iPhone 4/4S and iPhone 3GS, iPod touch 3rd, 4th and 5th generation, and on all iPad models).
✔ Tracking Disclaimer: The iPhone 5, iPhone 4/4S and iPad 3G track very well and are very accurate. The iPhone 3GS is less accurate. Devices without a GPS and cellular connection (iPad Wi-Fi, iPod touch) can only track and share waypoints when connected to a Wi-Fi network.
✔ Battery Disclaimer: Continued use of GPS running in the background can dramatically decrease battery life.
Where have they been?
With Footprints, you can track your kids and share locations with family and friends, anytime, privately. It all happens automatically, whether your phone is in your hand or in your pocket. All in a beautifully clear and simple interface.
Now, parents can keep track of their children's whereabouts and see where they have been, couples can know that their loved ones arrived safely at their destination, friends can locate each other, and even managers can keep track of employees in the field.
Footprints tracks and shares locations automatically – in real time, all the time. And it does it privately. It's really different from other apps that simply show the current location or require some kind of manual operation to share locations.
With Footprints, you can set up Geofences, like your kids school, and be notified when these fences are crossed. You can even activate movement sensors that will notify you each time your loved ones are on the move.
✔ Tracks movement throughout the day and logs waypoints without user intervention.
✔ Parental control feature allows for sharing locations at all times, without a disabling option.
✔ Lets you share waypoints by granting specific permissions. For instance, you can share your last 10 waypoints with a friend for two days.
✔ Geofence and movement notifications can alert you when someone moves or crosses a fenced area. Speeding notifications can alert parents when their teenagers go over the speed limit.
✔ Designed to sync seamlessly between your iPhone and iPad.
✔ Runs in the background – without draining your battery – by leveraging Apple's Significant Location Change technology, which monitors location changes as your device “sees” new cellular towers. (Footprints typically logs a waypoint when there is movement of 500 meters to 3 km or a quarter-mile to 2 miles, depending on cellular coverage in the area.) This default setting provides a good balance of timely location updates without draining the battery.
✔ Check-in to Facebook Places and map where your Facebook friends are checked in. Map your Footprints and Facebook friends together, so you can always see where everybody is.
✔ Initial free subscription period makes it easy to get started.
✔ Privacy Policy: Complete privacy is a key feature of Footprints. Your location data is only shared with the people you explicitly grant permission to see your location. Your registration information is never used to contact you, never sold to others, and never used for advertising.
✔ Requirements: iOS 4.3 or later. Footprints must be installed on all devices tracking or sharing locations, and each device must have a valid subscription. Runs natively on all Apple iOS devices from the 3rd generation on (iPhone 5, iPhone 4/4S and iPhone 3GS, iPod touch 3rd, 4th and 5th generation, and on all iPad models).
✔ Tracking Disclaimer: The iPhone 5, iPhone 4/4S and iPad 3G track very well and are very accurate. The iPhone 3GS is less accurate. Devices without a GPS and cellular connection (iPad Wi-Fi, iPod touch) can only track and share waypoints when connected to a Wi-Fi network.
✔ Battery Disclaimer: Continued use of GPS running in the background can dramatically decrease battery life.
Find My Kids ~ Footprints™のレビューや評価・評判、口コミまとめ
- 神アプリ認定!
- うーん…。

- 5.0
- muddy petticoat 2014年04月23日
対子供用にauの位置検索サービスを使用していましたが、親子でiPhoneに機種変し、サービスを受けられなくなったのでそれに代わるアプリを探していました。Find my iPhoneでも良いかなと思いましたが、予備にこちらのアプリを導入。セットアップも簡単で、今までとは違い、おおよその位置では無くきっちり場所も特定してくれる精度にびっくり!保護者必携だと思います。

- 5.0
- mmssnnbb 2014年04月23日