Flash Reader

Flash Reader

【iPhone神アプリ】Flash Readerの評価・評判、口コミ

••• The KING of Speed Reading is back! •••

Ever had to read through a an email, book or an article on the web, but felt like it took ages to read through it all?

Normally your brain will attempt to pronounce words you read, which is called subvocalization or internal speech.
Flash Reader removes this limitation by showing you words so fast that your brain doesn't have time to subvocalize, but still allows you to retain everything you've read.

3rd Party Support:
• Pocket, Instapaper & Dropbox support
• Send text or even attachments via email straight to your library (using FlashReaderApp.com)
• Open & import DOC, RTF, TXT, PDF, EPUB, DOCX, AZW (Amazon Kindle .AZW files only), MOBI and ODT (OpenDocument) files, all formats are included with the app!*

Note: Documents need to be DRM-free (no copy protection).

Key Features:
• Massive document format support*
• Import from Dropbox, iTunes and any other app capable of opening files
• FlashMail, an email service that allows you to send content straight to Flash Reader*
• Extension support for easily saving articles (iOS 8 only)
• Bookmarking, easily resume where you left off
• Different reading modes to suit your needs
• Customization, including words per minute (WPM), words per flash, themes, fonts and font sizes

For Instant Help, open up the Support-section of the app.

You can access your FlashMail account at http://flashmail.io to manage your articles and to change your password.

Visit FlashReaderApp.com for more information.

••• What people are saying about Flash Reader •••

"I was very skeptical at first, then I tried it. Now I'm impressed!!! Using this tool to read a page, blog or instructions made made it seem like it took no time at all. I actually think using this app on a regular basis my even improve my reading skills. I'm so impressed, I'm recommending it on twitter!!!", 5/5 stars -Ninny2U

"I like it so much I use it every day.", 5/5 stars -Joseph

"Great for readers who find words move on the page!
I can read so quickly with it.
For studying materials - like journal articles - I start slower, read once, then up the speed again and again. Much greater retention than trying to read just in text!", 5/5 stars -Jacqjacq14

"It's now so easy to read faster with this app !", 4/5 stars -Manuel Klaassen

"This app is a wonderful way to breeze through a long read!", 4/5 stars -Matthew Bartlett

Thank you for the reviews, keep them coming! Based on the feedback we receive, we'll add and modify the features as much as we can.

*Please note:
Scanned PDFs require a one-time upgrade to be purchased.
Conversions and website saves are limited on a daily basis, with FlashMail articles having a maximum amount limit, unless you purchase an upgrade or a subscription.
Some services (including PDF and ePub importing) require an active internet connection when importing.



Flash Readerのレビューや評価・評判、口コミまとめ


  • 神アプリ認定!
  • うーん…。

レビュー募集中!!Flash Readerを使って分かったことを書いてみよう!