New York's Best Coffee

New York's Best Coffee

【iPhone神アプリ】New York's Best Coffeeの評価・評判、口コミ

Where is the best espresso or filter coffee nearest you in New York City right now? Find 150+ of the finest specialty coffee shops in Manhattan, Brooklyn and Queens serving specialty coffee roasted by some of the finest artisan roasters in the North America and the world, including Blue Bottle, Joe Coffee, Intelligentsia, Cafe Grumpy, Stumptown, and many more, hand-picked by our editors and coffee conoisseurs.


▪ Cafes: Detailed information about the beans and machinery each cafe uses, plus brew methods available, contact details, photos and reviews.

▪ Map: Geolocation to help you find the nearest cafes and roasteries.

▪ Editor's Picks: Coffee writer and the app's editor Liz Clayton rates every cafe within the app.

▪ Roasteries: Information about over twenty roasteries supplying New York's best cafes, including links to buy beans for domestic use.

▪ Optimized for offline usage.

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New York's Best Coffeeのレビューや評価・評判、口コミまとめ


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