Heart Murmur Lite

Heart Murmur Lite

【iPhone神アプリ】Heart Murmur Liteの評価・評判、口コミ

Now a Universal app compatible and optimized for the iPhone, iPod Touch, and iPad!
Learn heart murmurs the easiest way possible with Heart Murmurs. With 10 heart sounds (Up to 23 unlock-able) included along with a wealth of clinically relevant information for each, you'll master heart sounds in no time at all.

“Heart sounds are always a struggle for medical students and doctors alike. The key to learning them properly is simple repetition. This app gives you the opportunity for this. It even includes a fantastic quiz mode to test yourself. The information provided is also quite relevant and is certainly useful for students to have handy."
-Dr. Don Nguyen, M.D.
University of California, San Diego
School of Medicine

Heart Murmurs is the ultimate heart sound learning tool. You have audio of 10 (Up to 23 unlock-able) different heart sounds and a ton of information for each.

**Heart sound information includes**
-Location where the sound is heard best
-Brief Description
-Clinical Presentation
-Physical Examination Findings
-Diagnostic Evaluation
-Treatment options
-More information (links to Wikipedia, Google, and Medline Plus)

-Universal app compatible and optimized for iPhone, iPod Touch, and iPad
-10 heart sounds included (Up to 23 unlock-able)
-Mark sounds as favorites for quick access
-A wealth of clinically relevant information for each heart sound
-Ability to edit heart sound information
-In app links to Wikipedia, Google, and Medline Plus
-Multiple Choice quiz mode
-Free Answer quiz mode
-Store quiz results in a Quiz History page
-Cardiac Exam Guide included



Heart Murmur Liteのレビューや評価・評判、口コミまとめ


  • 神アプリ認定!
  • うーん…。

レビュー募集中!!Heart Murmur Liteを使って分かったことを書いてみよう!