My通貨 Currency Exchange Rates Converter

My通貨 Currency Exchange Rates Converter

【iPhone神アプリ】My通貨 Currency Exchange Rates Converterの評価・評判、口コミ

My Currency is a currency converter with 180+ currencies and up-to-date exchange rates. It is your perfect companion on the road. Get the wolds currencies in the palm of your hand.

► optimized for iPad
► integrated calculator
► all active currencies (ISO 4127)
► Old European currencies
► Virtual currencies (Bitcoin, …)
► charts for exchage rates
► automatic updates
► iPhone 4 Retina display graphics
► easy-to-use user interface
► much much more

+ iPhone & Co Magazine 06/2010
+ 5 Stars
If you like My Currency, please take the time to write a review. For questions, wishes and feature requests send a mail to



My通貨 Currency Exchange Rates Converterのレビューや評価・評判、口コミまとめ


  • 神アプリ認定!
  • うーん…。

レビュー募集中!!My通貨 Currency Exchange Rates Converterを使って分かったことを書いてみよう!