New York Travel Map

New York Travel Map

【iPhone神アプリ】New York Travel Mapの評価・評判、口コミ

Your TOP choice for New York travel in USA, which integrated iPhone GPS, Offline Map, Hot Places (Attractions, Restaurants, Shopping, Nightlifes, Activities) into a single in-hand iPhone application.

With the product, you can know where you are, and what's hot near you, even you cannot connect to any mobile network.

The key features of this application includes:

★Offline Map★
Totally offline, totally free for extra data/roaming fee charge, easy to use, and easy to find where you are.
NO NEED FOR INTERNET CONNECTION WHILE USING THIS MAP. You can browse the map and use GPS feature without turn 3G or Wifi on.

★Hot Place★
We provides thousands of hot places, including ★Attractions, ★Restaurants, ★Shopping, ★Nightlifes, ★Activities.
We also provides detailed information for the places with ★Address, ★Phone, ★Price, ★Open Hours, ★Transport...

★Online Search★
Search places online, and place can be stored locally for further usage.

★My Place★
Browse place information (stored locally) offline.

★★★ We also provides other offline travel map products, please search "Parkour Lab" for detailed information.



New York Travel Mapのレビューや評価・評判、口コミまとめ


  • 神アプリ認定!
  • うーん…。

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