KoHiPour Over Coffee Brewing

KoHiPour Over Coffee Brewing

  • 0.0
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【iPhone神アプリ】KoHiPour Over Coffee Brewingの評価・評判、口コミ

We are on a mission to help you brew great coffee every time. Use KoHi and your favorite specialty coffee beans to take your brewing process to the next level.

KoHi is a coffee brewing timer, calculator, and recipe manager with a clean and clever interface. No more guessing at the ideal amount of coffee and water to use to achieve the perfect brew—KoHi does the math for you. We currently support Chemex, Hario V60, Press Pot, Clever, Kalita, AeroPress, Bonmac, Woodneck, and Gino brewing methods. It is the prefect companion for your favorite manual brewing method.

KoHi’s advanced brew calculators and timers help you brew with laboratory precision for consistent extraction every time. Tell KoHi how much coffee you would like to brew, and it calculates the exact amount of beans and water to use for the perfect cup of coffee. KoHi also paces you through the pre-infusion and infusion phases of brewing for a more accurate and consistent brew.

KoHi's recipe manager lets you create and store your own recipes too. Share your favorites with friends on Twitter, Facebook and email (iOS 6.0 or greater required for Twitter and Facebook).

Experiment, taste, share and enjoy coffee creations with KoHi.

*Note: You will need a gram scale to use with the KoHi app.



KoHiPour Over Coffee Brewingのレビューや評価・評判、口コミまとめ


  • 神アプリ認定!
  • うーん…。

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