Digital Infrared Filter

Digital Infrared Filter

  • 0.0
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【iPhone神アプリ】Digital Infrared Filterの評価・評判、口コミ

Infrared photography was a minority because of the expensive equipments and hard-to-maintain films. The popularity of digital cameras has changed the landscape and today more and more photographers are fascinated by the stunning, and some may say, dream-like false-color effect of infrared photos. With our app, infrared photography becomes even easier because one no longer needs a heavy professional camera and tons of special filters; with our app, anyone can take infrared photos, with the best camera that one always carries with.

This app is a software filter which simulates actual IR filters. An ir-pass filter blocks lights with wavelength shorter than 720nm, aka visible light, and lets in infrared light to be captured by the camera's censor. An ir-cut filter, on the other hand, blocks lights with wavelength longer than 720nm, aka infrared light; This app comes with a ir-pass filter and a ir-cut removal filter.

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Digital Infrared Filterのレビューや評価・評判、口コミまとめ


  • 神アプリ認定!
  • うーん…。

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