“Der Riese” (Zombie Factory) features: •The all-new Pack A Punch Machine allows you to upgrade ANY of your weapons: Increased Firepower, More Ammo, and a new Metal Finish. •New Tel…
ハイスコアの競い合いしませんか? LINEのID hayatodayo0722 マルチプレイのやり方も教えます
This sequel to the popular, CRASH BANDICOOT NITRO KART 3D combines the same zany gameplay with a new adventure and multiplayer action. Fans can race as Crash or one of nine other c…
Adapted from the best-selling console hit and built specifically for tablets and smartphones, Call of Duty®: Black Ops Zombies delivers maps and weapons never before seen on mobile…
フツーに100ラウンドこえて、このままだったら終わらないから、そろそろもういいかなって思って辞めて記録みたら 300とか行ってる化け物いたw流石に途中から作業ゲーだから流石に精神的に無理だと思った 気楽にやるのが1番だと思う
**NOT compatible with iPhone4, iPod Touch 4th Gen, iPhone 3GS** *For the optimal experience we recommend rebooting your device before you play this app for the first time* Pres…
I want you to dub into Japanese. I want you to attach it and the on-line waging-war function of Call of duty tradition.
Clan Wars Clan Wars give you and your friends the opportunity to join up and compete against other clans of similar size and skill for control of positions on the in-app Clan War m…