Sleep Analyzer

Sleep Analyzer

【iPhone神アプリ】Sleep Analyzerの評価・評判、口コミ

Do you wake up feeling tired and groggy? Are you going to bed early but still don’t feel fully rested in the morning? You may be having trouble sleeping through the entire night. The average adult needs between 7 and 8 hours of uninterrupted sleep to reach regenerative REM cycles. If you awake during the night due to coughing, sneezing, or other ailments, you may never reach a deep sleep and remain drowsy throughout the day.

In the past, logging these sleep disruptions was tedious at best. Traditional recorders left users pouring over hours of tapes trying to identify and write down each disruption. Sleep Analyzer simplifies the process by using a decibel threshold system and easy to navigate interface.

Simply place your iPhone next to your bed and set a decibel threshold for the night. Only sounds that exceed that threshold are recorded and stored for you to access the next day. The threshold system allows you to quickly overview the number of disturbances in a night, and avoid pouring through hours of recordings to document your sleep patterns.

The next morning you are able to scroll through each disruption. Disruptions can be replayed and classified as coughs, snores, sneezes, etc. You can store up to a month of sleep data and back-up data to a personal computer. The organized sleep logs can be used to identify recurring disturbances that can then be presented to a doctor or remedied through tailored changes to your sleep environment.

Don’t be satisfied with low quality sleep and poor energy levels – let Sleep Analyzer help you identify your problem and track your progress to a restful slumber!


Adjustable decibel threshold determines what sounds are recorded

Quickly view the number of disruptions in a night

Log, classify, and replay each disruption

Delay your recording to allow for music or sounds played as you fall asleep

Store up to a month of sleep data

Back-up your recordings to a personal computer using the free Sync Docs desktop application available at


Ensure iPhone’s microphone is unobstructed when you set it down

Ensure mute switch is OFF and ringer volume is set to max for optimal playback

If you use sounds or music to help you fall asleep use the timer to start the recording after your sleep aids are done playing

If your recordings show 0K file sizes and 0 disruptions, check your Sound Threshold. On the recording screen hit the Adjust Threshold button to see sound threshold and current noise levels. The current sound level must exceed the Sound Threshold to record a disruption.

iPod Touch REQUIRES the Apple Earphone with Remote and Mic attachment to be ATTACHED prior to starting the application to work (this does not apply to iPhone users)

Excelltech Inc. is interested in your feedback. Please send any comments/questions/feature suggestions to



Sleep Analyzerのレビューや評価・評判、口コミまとめ


  • 神アプリ認定!
  • うーん…。


  • 4.0
  • ニャームコ 2014年04月22日

割りと便利に使っていたのですが、OS3.0から再生出来なくなった。。。何回も押すと落ちます。。。 皆さんも同様ですか?



  • 4.0
  • reo_7th 2014年04月22日

毎日朝が辛く、無呼吸症候群かと思っていた私ですが、このアプリを使って現実を認識しました。いびき、歯ぎしり、とても忙しそうに寝てました。。。でも、自分が寝ている間に発している音を聞くのは面白いですよ。おとなしく寝る人には不向きなアプリですね。。。当然ですが。 騒音を発している時間帯を時間軸で見れればいいですね。



  • 4.0
  • パンダ1973 2014年04月22日

iPodTouchとカプセル型マイクで使えました。 最初、THRESHOLDをデフォルトの100にしておいたところ、ちょっとした雑音もひろって、1000回も録音されていて用を成しませんでした。 翌日、THRESHOLDを500にしたところ、丁度よく60回程度録音されました。イビキと寝返り、頭をボリボリ掻く音が録音されていました。 自分のイビキを聞く事はなかなか出来ないので、面白いアプリだと思います。



  • 4.0
  • いびきは騒音 2014年04月22日
