"If you can dream it...you can build it!"
- AppAdvice.com • Buy Now Play Free Forever!
Build anything you can imagine and bring your Dreams to Life right on your iPhone, iPad, or iPod touch - all iDevices for one price! The Fun of BlockCraft building with no cleanup or mess!
"If you have the love to build - If you have an iPhone in your pocket or an iPad in your bag - Blocks! is an app for you!"
- iOS Blog Spot
Create, Move, Build & Dream in 3D Space! No limits to your building fun! Even Rotate Blocks in Space Hands Free using our Cutting Edge FCP* Control!
"...Blocks! is an App you need!..."
- Pad Gadget
Building is super easy, use standard iOS Finger Gestures for perfect BlockCraft control! Even 'fly' through 3D Space using your Front Camera and our amazing FCP* Technology! We call it Face-Coupled Perspective, but you'll call it Awesome! Even Set 3D Camera Speed for perfect Board speed.
Blocks is a Universal App! That means 1 Price for iOS Devices! Tap "?" any time for the in-app tutorial.
v 1.7 Features:
• 12 New Real Block Shapes!
• 49 Blocks & Endless Colors!
• Higher Block Stacking!
• Timber* Knock Down!
• iPhone 5 Full Screen!
• iOS 6 FCP* & AirPrint Fixes
v 1.5 - FCP* Face Coupled Perspective!
v 1.3 / 1.4
Higher Block Stacking for Taller Building!
AirPrint with In-App Print Preview w/ iOS 4.2+!
More New Block Shapes!
Fixed - Older Device Camera Stability
v 1.2
New People Figures
Great New Block Shapes!
Camera Speed Controls!
Enhanced Collision Detection!
Background & Sound Settings!
Fixed - iOS 3.2+ Stability Issue
v 1.0 / 1.1
1st iOS 3D Block Building App!
10 Built in Block Shapes!
Stack Blocks to 9 High!
iOS Finger Gesture Control!
Full 3D Rotation of Build Space!
Email, Gallery & TwitPic Support!
Your Feedback is Important! Your Great Ratings and Kind Reviews help us provide Great Updates and Great New Apps!
Tips: It's Easy to Start Building!
Check out the 'Camera Speed' setting in the Settings Button to match the Control Speed to your iOS device. If you get 'lost in space', try the Camera Reset! If you make a mistake, just Tap the Un-Do Arrow!
Tap a Block Button to Select, or Tap again to view assign other Block to the Button. Tap the Play Screen to Set a Block. To move a Block, Tap to Select & Tap and Drag. Tap again to Rotate a Block; the last rotation Deletes the Block.
To Stack Blocks, Tap and Drag a Block onto another, the Block 'stacks' over the other Block when they 'collide'.
To Move, Cut, Copy or Paste Multiple Blocks: Select Finger Button in a Block Menu. Tap Blocks to Select. To move, Tap & Drag, then Tap on the empty screen to de-select. To Cut, Copy or Paste Selected Blocks, Tap the Settings Button and Tap Cut, Copy or Paste.
FCP* Tips:
Tap Eye Button to turn FCP on/off. Hold Device Forward Camera toward Face, then:
Hold Device about 18 Inches from Face,
Move Slowly in Good Lighting,
Hold Device in Portrait,
Vertical FCP Default is Off; Toggle on in Settings.
Move head to Rotate Build in 3D Space, to keep moving, stay in one direction, return to Stop, more to move back. When your face leaves the camera, FCP stops!
FCP is powerful and fun, so please give some time to get used to Virtual Object Movement!
Notes FCP Requires an iOS Device with a Forward Facing Camera.
Timber! simulates how a person might 'knock down' their creations during play. If this feature is not for you or your family, please turn the Timber! Setting Off in Settings.
Data & Info ©, ™, ® mobile i Software, LLC 2010/2013.
- AppAdvice.com • Buy Now Play Free Forever!
Build anything you can imagine and bring your Dreams to Life right on your iPhone, iPad, or iPod touch - all iDevices for one price! The Fun of BlockCraft building with no cleanup or mess!
"If you have the love to build - If you have an iPhone in your pocket or an iPad in your bag - Blocks! is an app for you!"
- iOS Blog Spot
Create, Move, Build & Dream in 3D Space! No limits to your building fun! Even Rotate Blocks in Space Hands Free using our Cutting Edge FCP* Control!
"...Blocks! is an App you need!..."
- Pad Gadget
Building is super easy, use standard iOS Finger Gestures for perfect BlockCraft control! Even 'fly' through 3D Space using your Front Camera and our amazing FCP* Technology! We call it Face-Coupled Perspective, but you'll call it Awesome! Even Set 3D Camera Speed for perfect Board speed.
Blocks is a Universal App! That means 1 Price for iOS Devices! Tap "?" any time for the in-app tutorial.
v 1.7 Features:
• 12 New Real Block Shapes!
• 49 Blocks & Endless Colors!
• Higher Block Stacking!
• Timber* Knock Down!
• iPhone 5 Full Screen!
• iOS 6 FCP* & AirPrint Fixes
v 1.5 - FCP* Face Coupled Perspective!
v 1.3 / 1.4
Higher Block Stacking for Taller Building!
AirPrint with In-App Print Preview w/ iOS 4.2+!
More New Block Shapes!
Fixed - Older Device Camera Stability
v 1.2
New People Figures
Great New Block Shapes!
Camera Speed Controls!
Enhanced Collision Detection!
Background & Sound Settings!
Fixed - iOS 3.2+ Stability Issue
v 1.0 / 1.1
1st iOS 3D Block Building App!
10 Built in Block Shapes!
Stack Blocks to 9 High!
iOS Finger Gesture Control!
Full 3D Rotation of Build Space!
Email, Gallery & TwitPic Support!
Your Feedback is Important! Your Great Ratings and Kind Reviews help us provide Great Updates and Great New Apps!
Tips: It's Easy to Start Building!
Check out the 'Camera Speed' setting in the Settings Button to match the Control Speed to your iOS device. If you get 'lost in space', try the Camera Reset! If you make a mistake, just Tap the Un-Do Arrow!
Tap a Block Button to Select, or Tap again to view assign other Block to the Button. Tap the Play Screen to Set a Block. To move a Block, Tap to Select & Tap and Drag. Tap again to Rotate a Block; the last rotation Deletes the Block.
To Stack Blocks, Tap and Drag a Block onto another, the Block 'stacks' over the other Block when they 'collide'.
To Move, Cut, Copy or Paste Multiple Blocks: Select Finger Button in a Block Menu. Tap Blocks to Select. To move, Tap & Drag, then Tap on the empty screen to de-select. To Cut, Copy or Paste Selected Blocks, Tap the Settings Button and Tap Cut, Copy or Paste.
FCP* Tips:
Tap Eye Button to turn FCP on/off. Hold Device Forward Camera toward Face, then:
Hold Device about 18 Inches from Face,
Move Slowly in Good Lighting,
Hold Device in Portrait,
Vertical FCP Default is Off; Toggle on in Settings.
Move head to Rotate Build in 3D Space, to keep moving, stay in one direction, return to Stop, more to move back. When your face leaves the camera, FCP stops!
FCP is powerful and fun, so please give some time to get used to Virtual Object Movement!
Notes FCP Requires an iOS Device with a Forward Facing Camera.
Timber! simulates how a person might 'knock down' their creations during play. If this feature is not for you or your family, please turn the Timber! Setting Off in Settings.
Data & Info ©, ™, ® mobile i Software, LLC 2010/2013.
- 神アプリ認定!
- うーん…。

- 4.0
- お湯ください 2014年04月24日
高さ制限があるっぽいのであんまり高さは出ません。人間を縦に三人積めるぐらいです。 メニューのブロックアイコンを二回タップでブロックの種類を変えられます。ちっちゃいやつからプレート状のまで基本的なブロックらしいブロックはだいたい入ってるんじゃないでしょうか。色は20色ぐらいのデフォルト色からさらに明度を変えれる感じ。黄色系多すぎ。歯車は大きさ一種類しかない(スクショでタイヤになってるやつ)でも並べるとちゃんと噛み合うようにはなってます。 二本指でカメラ位置回転、グリッド内ピンチでズーム。グリッド中央に視線固定なので床ごと動かしてパンになります。 メニュー一番下の地震機能すぐ触っちゃうんで、こどもに使わせるときは設定からオフにしとくといいかもしれません。まあアンドゥで元に戻せるんですが。 個人的には、人間と建物を配置してカメラぐるぐる動かして、絵コンテ作る時にいいなあと思いました。