Blues Backing Tracks

Blues Backing Tracks

  • 0.0
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  • 開発元
  • カテゴリ

【iPhone神アプリ】Blues Backing Tracksの評価・評判、口コミ

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Please also check out:
- Backing Tracks: Ballads
- Backing Tracks: Latin
- Backing Tracks: Reggae

Both are available now!! Thank you for your support!!

Musicians - in need of accompaniment while practicing? Look no further than Blues Backing Tracks! Guitarists - use this tool to help you master the fretboard and develop fluidity in playing up and down the neck!

Energize your practice sessions with Blues Backing Tracks. This tool will provide you with a fun practice companion with FOUR DIFFERENT tracks recorded at THREE TEMPOS and in FOURTEEN keys (a total of 168 tracks)!!

The four tracks included are:

1) An upbeat acoustic track
2) A Chicago Blues style track
3) A mellow track with emphasis on minor chords
4) A slow organ blues track

Each of the four tracks was recorded in the following keys:

A major, A minor
B major, B minor
C major, C minor
D major, D minor
E major, E minor
F major, F minor
G major, G minor

Just select a button above a key letter on the interface for the major key tracks, or select a button below a key letter for the minor key tracks.

In addition, the CHORD PROGRESSIONS for each of the fifty-six tracks are provided. Just tap the "Chords" button and the key-specific progression will appear.

Finally, for guitarists, the five positions of the blues pentatonic scale are provided for each key. (The "blues" pentatonic scale is just the standard pentatonic scale with a few passing notes (noted in blue) that are typical of the blues style). Just tap the "Scale" button and a handy reference page will appear.

(Tap the "x" in the top right corner to close either the chord progression or scale screen).



Blues Backing Tracksのレビューや評価・評判、口コミまとめ


  • 神アプリ認定!
  • うーん…。

レビュー募集中!!Blues Backing Tracksを使って分かったことを書いてみよう!