Backing Tracks: Reggae

Backing Tracks: Reggae

  • 0.0
  • 価格
  • 開発元
  • カテゴリ

【iPhone神アプリ】Backing Tracks: Reggaeの評価・評判、口コミ

Please also check out our other backing tracks apps:
- Blues Backing Tracks
- Backing Tracks: Ballads
- Backing Tracks: Latin

Also, check out the demo video on YouTube! (Search for Backing Tracks: Reggae App)

Musicians - in need of some accompaniment while practicing? Look no further than Backing Tracks: Reggae! Guitarists - use this tool to help you master the fretboard and develop fluidity in playing up and down the neck!

Energize your practice sessions with Backing Tracks: Reggae. This tool will provide you with a fun practice companion with TWO DIFFERENT tracks recorded at THREE TEMPOS and in FOURTEEN keys (a total of 84 tracks)!!

The two tracks included are:

1) A groovy reggae track
2) A reggae beat rhythm track

Each of the tracks was recorded in the following keys:

A major, A minor
B major, B minor
C major, C minor
D major, D minor
E major, E minor
F major, F minor
G major, G minor

Just select a button above a key letter on the interface for the major key tracks, or select a button below a key letter for the minor key tracks.

In addition, the CHORD PROGRESSIONS for each of the tracks are provided. Just tap the "Chords" button and the key-specific progression will appear.

Finally, for guitarists, the five positions of the pentatonic scale are provided for each key. Just tap the "Scale" button and a handy reference page will appear.

(Tap the "x" in the top right corner to close either the chord progression or scale screen).



Backing Tracks: Reggaeのレビューや評価・評判、口コミまとめ


  • 神アプリ認定!
  • うーん…。

レビュー募集中!!Backing Tracks: Reggaeを使って分かったことを書いてみよう!