Catastrophe Guide

Catastrophe Guide

【iPhone神アプリ】Catastrophe Guideの評価・評判、口コミ

★★★★★ Description ★★★★

This is a simple app designed to help get you trough various types of catastrophes that may emerge. We've put a great effort into finding and providing you with the latest local reports and building up a exhaustive and comprehensive information list on what to do in the time of various catastrophes. Reports are aimed to be based on your current location but can also be read on global level.

★★★★★ Features ★★★★

First of all, this app features massive set of information on what to do before, during and after a disaster that should fully prepare you. To make these "what to do" lists more comprehensive, we divided them into checklists you can read trough and mark checked when completed. And there is also a set of basic information about catastrophes themselves you'd probably want to know about. Here's a short list of features:

☆ Simplicity
☆ Local and worldwide reports
☆ Information that can save your life
☆ Scalability

★★★★★ Reports ★★★★★

The part of the app you will probably use the most is the reports section where you get fresh data about what's going on in your given radius or worldwide. You can tap on any report to get a full web report you can read or share.

☆ Reports from various reliable services
☆ Reports displayed on map
☆ Reports filtered by distance from you

★★★★★ Catastrophe Info ★★★★★

We currently got covered 7 types of disasters, including these:

☆ Earthquake (local reports)
☆ Flood (local reports)
☆ Hurricane (local reports)
☆ Nuclear Disaster (worldwide reports)
☆ Terrorism (*) (worldwide reports)
☆☆ General
☆☆ Explosions
☆☆ Biological Threats
☆☆ Chemical Threats
☆☆ Nuclear Blast
☆☆ Radiological Dispersion Device
☆ Tornado (us reports)
☆ Tsunami (local reports)
☆ Volcano (local reports)
☆ Wildfire (local reports)

* - Although you may think terrorism isn't supposed to be put beside to natural disasters like earthquakes and flood, this is considered a serious threat, especially in urban areas. A very few people are well informed and know what to do in the case of terrorism threats like bombs or radiological dispersion devices.

★★★★★ Scalability ★★★★★

☆ "Near Me" radius for reports
☆ Units for radius
☆ Alert badges
☆ Checkmarks



Catastrophe Guideのレビューや評価・評判、口コミまとめ


  • 神アプリ認定!
  • うーん…。

レビュー募集中!!Catastrophe Guideを使って分かったことを書いてみよう!