

  • 0.0
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  • 開発元
  • カテゴリ


mywellness is an application by Technogym. Technogym is the company that promotes the wellness lifestyle and has created the mywellness cloud platform to make your workout experience more personal, fun and effective and to help you to improve your lifestyle by allowing you to access your personal fitness data on the go.

Train with the mywellness app, collect MOVEs, and get more and more active every day. MOVEs measure movement: every movement you do generates MOVEs. An example: running for 10 minutes at low intensity accumulates about 200 MOVEs. Moreover, MOVEs scores are independent of body weight, so they are a better way of comparing your activity levels with that of your friends. The easiest and fastest way to collect MOVEs is going to a facility with Technogym equipment, sign in with your Technogym account directly on the machines and train with the best exercise programs. You can also log MOVEs manually via the mywellness app or sync with other apps such as Runkeeper or MapMyFitness.



TRAINING: get your personalized and complete training program including cardio, strength, classes and all types of activities; access all exercise instructions and videos; keep track of your results automatically by signing in to mywellness directly on Technogym equipment, wherever you are in the world

MOTIVATION: mywellness app gives you a weekly goal of activities to complete based on your lifestyle.

OUTDOOR ACTIVITY: keep track of your outdoor activities directly via the mywellness app or automatically synchronise the data you have stored in other applications such as RunKeeper and MapMyFitness.

FUN: join the challenges organized by your facility, train and improve your challenge ranking in real time.

CUSTOMIZATION: Create your Technogym account and sign in using the mywellness application directly on Technogym equipment. How? Just scan the QR code on the machines’ display.

BODY MEASUREMENTS: keep track of your measurements (weight, body fat, etc..) and check your progress over time.





  • 神アプリ認定!
  • うーん…。


  • 4.0
  • もんちゃん0501 2015年06月23日

トレーニングにとても便利です。 前回ウエイトが上がったなどの情報も反映してほしいです。 また、トレーニング結果の消費カロリーなども、 iphoneのヘルスケアやアップルウォッチにも反映してほしいです。



  • 4.0
  • いおみう 2015年06月23日

モチベーションを保つのに素晴らしいアプリ。 視覚化される記録を、ジム以外で眺めるのは ジムに挫折した過去がある私にも マイペースに楽しく続けられる。 残念なのが、誤って登録してしまった アクティビティを修正や削除できないこと。 また、全ての消費カロリーしか 表示されない。 一日のワークアウトの消費カロリーか視覚化されると嬉しい。 一番勘弁してほしいのが、 エアロバイクやランニングマシンに接続すると、 フルネームが見えること。 ニックネーム程度にしてほしい。改善求む。