Kyoto Travel Guide

Kyoto Travel Guide

【iPhone神アプリ】Kyoto Travel Guideの評価・評判、口コミ

Kyoto is a historical city no tourist should miss - and it seems most don't, as the city actually sees roughly 50 million visitors every year!
Kyoto Travel Guide is a travel guide app that features over 300 of Kyoto's top destinations and attractions, as chosen by born and bred Kyotoites.
The app format lends itself to easy use, both when planning the trip and when on location in Kyoto.

We would like to recommend in particular the Editor's Recommendations, which are carefully selected highlights by our native Kyoto editors.

Kyoto Travel Guide Features

1. Search By Area
Destinations and attractions are listed by each area (e.g. Higashiyama, Kiyomizu, etc.), making the application easy to use when planning your trip.

2. Search Nearby
After having arrived in Kyoto, you can use the convenient "Search nearby" function to see what attractions and notable locations are nearby.

3. Search By Category
You can also search by categories such as Shinto shrines, Buddhist temples, art museums, nature spots, etc., depending on the purpose of your trip.

4. Editors' Recommendations
Localgraph Inc.'s native Kyoto editors' carefully selected recommendations include World Heritage Sites, cultural properties, autumn leaves viewing spots, and other spots no tourists should miss.



Kyoto Travel Guideのレビューや評価・評判、口コミまとめ


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