MINI On Track

MINI On Track

  • 0.0
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  • 開発元
  • カテゴリ

【iPhone神アプリ】MINI On Trackの評価・評判、口コミ

Sure, you are in love with your MINI, but sometimes it can take a while to learn every intimate detail about someone new. As in all relationships, a little helpful advice never hurts.

MINI on Track combines an Owner’s Manual with product features and a few tricks to help owners get to know their MINI. With quick tips and explanations to new and unique MINI features, this app is designed to help you maximize control, comfort, and convenience while motoring.

MINI on Track provides you with easy access to your model-specific vehicle info – anytime and anywhere.
It includes the following key feature categories:
- Displays and Controls

- Safety

- Driving

- Radio and Climate

- Navigation

- Telephone

- Adjusting

- Opening and Closing

- Refueling and Washing

- Giving and Receiving Assistance

Sleep with it under your pillow. Recite electrical configurations in the shower. Learn it. Study it. Know it. Become an expert on all the inner and outer workings of your MINI. So sit back and let the knowledge soak in…

Let’s Motor.



MINI On Trackのレビューや評価・評判、口コミまとめ


  • 神アプリ認定!
  • うーん…。

レビュー募集中!!MINI On Trackを使って分かったことを書いてみよう!