Harry's LapTimer Rookie
LapTimer offers more than 700 predefined tracks world wide. With its assistants, it is extremely easy to setup - just click your track and drive. It fully automates your lap timing…
LapTimer offers more than 700 predefined tracks world wide. With its assistants, it is extremely easy to setup - just click your track and drive. It fully automates your lap timing…
Harry's Sailor is a GPS based navigation tool / sailing companion. Like all apps from Harry's GPS Suite it uses an advanced GPS Engine developed and published during the last years…
セーリングのキモはVMGの把握。次善の策としてターゲットスピード表があるけれど、自分の船専用のものを作らなくてはいけないし、いろいろややこしそうだな〜と思っていたら、デンマークから新しいセーリング用の iPhone アプリが発売された。なん …
LapTimer offers more than 700 predefined tracks world wide. With its assistants, it is extremely easy to setup - just click your track and drive. It fully automates your lap timing…
Gセンサーの反応も良く、動画の編集も出来て良いのです。 GoproのWi-Fi機能使って遠隔操作出来るようですが、希望としてBluetoothでも遠隔操作出来れば更にいいので星4とします。
LapTimer offers more than 700 predefined tracks world wide. With its assistants, it is extremely easy to setup - just click your track and drive. It fully automates your lap timing…
Designed for the Optrix HD iPhone mount by the creators of Harry’s Lap Timer Pro, Optrix VideoPro displays your speed, g-force, lap time, and track-map right on your video. Before …