Butterfly Collection

Butterfly Collection

【iPhone神アプリ】Butterfly Collectionの評価・評判、口コミ

Roam the world from your iPhone or iPod Touch to explore diverse species of butterflies and moths. Butterfly Collection showcases 240 members of the fascinating and beautiful order of insect known as Lepidoptera (ancient Greek for "scale wing"), using photographs of actual insects. You can scroll through gallery screens, showing butterflies and moths sorted alphabetically, and click on thumbnails to view an image of the insect. But that's not all. Butterfly Collection uses OpenGL to animate the insect's wings and provide a gentle, life-like fanning motion.

Note: you can swipe a finger sideways or tap on the page numbers to scroll through the gallery of thumbnails. Tap any thumbnail to view a specific moth or butterfly. In this mode, small thumbnails to either side if the image can be used to go to the previous or next insect, and you can tap the top edge of the frame to return to the gallery view.



Butterfly Collectionのレビューや評価・評判、口コミまとめ


  • 神アプリ認定!
  • うーん…。

レビュー募集中!!Butterfly Collectionを使って分かったことを書いてみよう!