Mardi Gras Live

Mardi Gras Live

【iPhone神アプリ】Mardi Gras Liveの評価・評判、口コミ

Can't make it to New Orleans during Mardi Gras? With EarthCam you can!

EarthCam is the only place you can find an app that sets you down right in the heart of Mardi Gras in New Orleans . . . from wherever you are! This very cool app lets you catch live streaming video from three different vantage points in the Big Easy.

Our first camera let's you enter the famous Cat's Meow and enjoy karaoke Mardi Gras style. The second camera gives you the rare opportunity to catch the party goers on crowded Bourbon Street as "the royalty" showers them with beads and trinkets. The third camera really gives you a birds-eye view of things.

This special app also lets you check local New Orleans time and weather as you watch the partiers work their way to Fat Tuesday. Click the Party Button and let the real celebration begin! Hop into a virtual photo booth and snap a picture of yourself wearing a classic Mardi Gras mask. Include your friends in the fun too, by “throwing” some beads their way! And you can even take the sounds of the Big Easy with you wherever you go, with a special sound board of everything you would hear on Bourbon Street, including cheers for beads, the pop of an ice-cold drink and the festive music!



Mardi Gras Liveのレビューや評価・評判、口コミまとめ


  • 神アプリ認定!
  • うーん…。

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