3D裸眼立体視 (3D-mania I)

3D裸眼立体視 (3D-mania I)

  • 0.0
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  • 開発元
  • カテゴリ

【iPhone神アプリ】3D裸眼立体視 (3D-mania I)の評価・評判、口コミ

1) 目から力を抜きぼんやり見るような感じで焦点を画像に合わせないようにする。
2) 画像が段々ぼやけてくるのでさらにそのままぼんやり見る。
3) ぼやけた像が中央へと近づいてくる。
4) 中央へと来た像が融合して立体的に見える。

3D fever is spreading now! See the most amazing magic-like illusion in these 3D pictures! It works on any iPhone's or iPod touch's screen, with no need of a stereoscope. With a little viewing technique, you can see realistic 3D objects floating in a 3D world inside your screen, may it be wild animals, sea monsters, or something else that you can't imagine! See if you can find out what are behind the colorful patterns; show them to your friends; and you'll find it a conversation starter!

1) All of the 3D pictures are in landscape mode; so rotate your iPhone/iPod touch 90° anti-clockwise.
2) Choose from the menu screen and tap a picture to view; tap again to back to the menu.
3) Hold your iPhone/iPod touch with your hands, such that you can see the screen comfortably. Usually, the distinct between the screen and your eyes is about 30 cm. It is better to find a place/viewing angle such that the screen doesn't reflect light.
4) relax your eyes and make them focus on an imaginary point about 20 cm behind the screen.
5) Your brain will then match the different patterns from your eyes; All of a sudden, the patterns make sense, and you'll see the objects floating inside the screen!



3D裸眼立体視 (3D-mania I)のレビューや評価・評判、口コミまとめ


  • 神アプリ認定!
  • うーん…。

レビュー募集中!!3D裸眼立体視 (3D-mania I)を使って分かったことを書いてみよう!