Keyboard Skins

Keyboard Skins

【iPhone神アプリ】Keyboard Skinsの評価・評判、口コミ

Keyboard Skins provides you over 20 keyboards in different skins and themes.

Keyboard Skins gives you a whole new look and feel while typing, texting, messaging. The keyboard is no longer boring as it used to be.


Built-in 20+ Keyboards in different skins and themes. Nude style, dark style, multi-colors and many other well-known mobile OS styles.

Switching between different keyboard skins is just one tap away. Choose your skin right there just as easy as choosing Emoji keyboard that you already knew.

Disclaimer: The keyboard styles and themes are to be used in within the app only. It does not mean to change your default iOS keyboard.



Keyboard Skinsのレビューや評価・評判、口コミまとめ


  • 神アプリ認定!
  • うーん…。

レビュー募集中!!Keyboard Skinsを使って分かったことを書いてみよう!