Leila of Cairo: Masters of Egyptian Choreography

Leila of Cairo: Masters of Egyptian Choreography

【iPhone神アプリ】Leila of Cairo: Masters of Egyptian Choreographyの評価・評判、口コミ

Leila’s elegant and soulful belly dance performances have charmed audiences throughout the world. As a fast-rising star in Egypt’s Oriental-dance world, she’s well known for her work in live concerts, film and television. Her dynamic choreography mixes classical Oreitnal-style dance with folklore and modern movement. Leila currently performs at the glamorous Al Rashid nightclub Oberio Nile Pharaon and Marryland in Heliopolis. Leila also teaches dance seminars and workshops in festivals around the world. Her exclusive instructional application features easy to learn choreography and includes song interpretation to convey emotion. Leaila rarely teaches private classes so this is a rare chance to study one-one-one with Cairo’s best. Don’t miss out!

Special Features:
Detailed instructions
Interpretation of Song
Exclusive Interview with Leila

Content Produced by SalsaCrazy.com
Application Published and Distributed by NexStudios!

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Leila of Cairo: Masters of Egyptian Choreographyのレビューや評価・評判、口コミまとめ


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